Love Yourself From the Inside Out
It had always puzzled me why some people could achieve the most incredible things, while others struggled to move past the blocks holding them back to achieve what they really wanted. Why do some people seem content, happy, confident no matter what life throws their way, while others rocked by day to day struggles.
I’m fascinated by the connection between our brain and our body too. What I saw was some people functioning with their brain and body in sync, while others in constant conflict. Their brain pushing to go go go but their body reacting with a clear stop.
Can you relate to a time when you’ve really wanted something, but your body just said no?
This is what I’ve been working on and learning about from the incredible Alyssa Nobriga; how to get to the route of what’s holding you back to help you live a life you truly love. Rather than driving with one foot on the gas (our mind) and one foot on the breaks (our body), how can we learn to trust ourselves and begin letting go of the breaks. How do we learn to fly?
The answer here is simple and kind of beautiful. It’s learning to listen to ourselves with self-acceptance, self-compassion and love.
We all want to love ourselves a little more fully, but you may be wondering how?
The key here is experiencing self-acceptance in your brain as well as your body. Rather than just saying you love yourself, you learn to experience that sensation is in your body. Try it on for a minute, how does your body feel when you really try to soak up loving yourself (ps if you feel resistance it’s totally normal and all part of the process).
You may also be wondering how self-acceptance can help us reach our goals. We tend to think of acceptance and having a goal as opposing each other; so let me explain.
The deeper I accept something just the way it is, the more energy I have to change it because I’m not fighting against it. In contrast, the more I try to push something down the more I’m stuck with it because all my energy goes into willing something not to be in existence that already is. You’re fighting against reality and your own humanity.
Lets say I want to feel confident, the more I push away the feelings, the lack of confidence, makes me feel like a fraud, the bigger the lack of confidence gets.
The truth is, we feel this way for a reason, it’s usually because our body is trying to protect us from something that we are not fully aware of yet. When we can understand what our body is trying to protect us from and how to provide that safety to ourselves, this frees us up to make the changes we really want.
The beautiful thing is when we make changes in this way the results are more likely to last because we’ve addressed the problem at the route giving you the tools to feel happy and whole from the inside out.